Spacepunk Couples #5

Join the journey of intergalactic soulmates as they explore unknown worlds in the universe.

Experience love in the future with the Spacepunk Couples NFT Collection by artist #verNation. Immerse yourself in a world of cyberpunk flair and colorful illustrations as you collect unique digital couples on the OpenSea marketplace.


NFTs Collection


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#5 Golryx & Kyranzii | Get NFT via Opensea

Kyranzii, one of three daughters of Gali and Andro, had inherited her parents’ mastery of frequency shifting at a young age. She was sent to the planet Wavulysion, where the civilization lived underwater due to a devastating civil war that had made life on the surface impossible. Kyranzii was the first generation to have lungs and gills, and she quickly adapted to life on Wavulysion.

It was there that she met Golryx, a native of the planet who had never left it in his life. Kyranzii was drawn to his unique appearance, and he loved hearing her stories of her childhood on Azurith, her home planet. They fell in love, and two years later, they were married.

Golryx was eager to learn everything Kyranzii knew about shifting frequencies and manipulating projections, and with her support, he soon developed the ability to breathe air. Together, they left Wavulysion and ventured into the vast expanse of space, committed to their mission of spreading knowledge and manipulating frequencies to shift realities.

As they traveled together, their love only grew stronger, fueled by their shared passion for their work and their commitment to making a positive impact on the universe. Their journey was far from over, but they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that they had each other to rely on.

#1 Meet Mum and Dad, the first couple of the Spacepunk Couples NFT collection.
*Click image

#2 Meet Vexa & Jax
This dynamic duo is available as an NFT in the Spacepunk Couples collection, now on OpenSea
*Click image

#3 Meet Stara & Lys
Experience love in the future with the Spacepunk Couples NFT Collection by artist #verNation
*Click image

#4 Meet Andro & Gali
Immerse yourself in a world of cyberpunk flair and colorful illustrations #verNation
*Click image