Spacepunk Couples #6

Join the journey of intergalactic soulmates as they explore unknown worlds in the universe.

Experience love in the future with the Spacepunk Couples NFT Collection by artist #verNation. Immerse yourself in a world of cyberpunk flair and colorful illustrations as you collect unique digital couples on the OpenSea marketplace.


NFTs Collection


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#6 Xyjianta-Nyhiim | Get NFT via Opensea

Xyjianta and Nyhiim traveled through the vast emptiness of space, searching for the perfect planet to start their new life together. After months of searching, they stumbled upon a planet unlike any they had ever seen. It was covered in sparkling blue crystals that glinted in the sunlight, and the air was thick with the sweet scent of exotic flowers.

The planet named Nimbyos seemed to call out to them, and they knew it was the one. They landed their ship and set about exploring their new home, discovering hidden waterfalls and winding rivers that glittered in the sun.

As they settled into their new life, they discovered that the planet was home to a variety of unique creatures, including a group of intelligent, sentient beings known as the Zarynx. Xyjianta and Nyhiim were fascinated by these creatures and soon became friends with them.

Together, they worked to build a new society on the planet, one that was based on love, peace, and understanding. They shared their knowledge of frequency shifting and quantum manifestation with the Zarynx, and the entire planet flourished as a result.

Years passed, and Xyjianta and Nyhiim grew old together, their love only growing stronger with each passing day. As they looked out at the planet they had created together, they knew that they had found their true home, and that they would always be together, even after death.

#1 Meet Mum and Dad, the first couple of the Spacepunk Couples NFT collection.
*Click image

#2 Meet Vexa & Jax
This dynamic duo is available as an NFT in the Spacepunk Couples collection, now on OpenSea
*Click image

#3 Meet Stara & Lys
Experience love in the future with the Spacepunk Couples NFT Collection by artist #verNation
*Click image

#4 Meet Andro & Gali
Immerse yourself in a world of cyberpunk flair and colorful illustrations #verNation
*Click image

#5 Golryx & Kyranzii
This dynamic duo is available as an NFT in the Spacepunk Couples collection, now on OpenSea
*Click image